Internet Info 1994 March
Internet Info CD-ROM (Walnut Creek) (March 1994).iso
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file {u.usa.ct.1}
# start of u.usa.ct.1: Sat Jul 31 11:09:07 EDT 1993
# maintained by nemap@harvard.edu
# Please send all updates/new-entries
# to: uucpmap@rutgers.{uucp,edu}
#N a3bee2
#S 486/33; Interactive 3.2
#O Compusoft
#C William S. Lyman Jr.
#E lyman@a3bee2
#T +1 203 294 0323
#P 219 So. Orchard St., Wallingford, CT 06492
#L 41 26 50 N / 72 49 05 W
#R Alternate Email n1nwp@n1nwp.ampr.org
#U hsi gaboon cyphyn
#W a3bee2!lyman (Willaim S. Lyman Jr.); Mon Jul 13 14:00:00 EDT 1993
a3bee2 =n1nwp-1
#a3bee2 =n1nwp-1.ampr.org
#a3bee2 =n1nwp.ampr.org
a3bee2 =n1nwp
a3bee2 hsi(DIRECT), n1gva(DIRECT), spock(DEAD),
gaboon(LOCAL), n1nwp(LOCAL), n1nwp-1(DIRECT)
#N acadia
#S NeXT running Mach
#O personal workstation
#C Malcolm Sanders
#E yale!sanders-malcolm
#T +1 203 432 4300
#P Guilford, CT
#L 41 18 N / 72 25 W
#U yale
#R This uucp connection is primarily for email.
#W yale!Long-Morrow (H. Morrow Long); Sun Sep 15 12:26:18 EDT 1991
# call on demand
acadia yale(DIRECT)
#N acunzo
#S Gateway 386; MSDOS 5.0
#C Joe Acunzo
#E acunzo!joe
#T +1 203 481 0671
#P 10 Conifer Drive, Branford, CT 06405
#L 41 15 N / 72 44 W
#W acunzo!joe (Joe Acunzo); Mon Jan 18 20:10:00 EST 1993
acunzo genly(DAILY)
#N admiral
#S IBM PS/2 Model 80-111, SCO Unix 3.2.2/MC
#O The Admiral's Unix System & The Grid BBS
#C Doug Fields Jr.
#E uunet!areyes!admiral!doug
#T +1 203 661 2967
#P 100 Midwood Road, Greenwich, CT 06830-3837
#L 41 1.7 N / 73 37.5 W city
#U yale
#R Public Access *NIX Site. Currently running Magpie/386 BBS and
#R Waffle v1.64 for Usenet/Mail access. News feeds available.
#R Free shell accounts available; send address & voice phone number.
#R Three lines available: +1 203 661 2873 (Telebit T2500)
#R +1 203 661 1279 (HST/V32) and +1 203 661 0450 (V32/V42).
#R Contact also: fields-doug@cs.yale.edu for more information.
#W uunet!areyes!admiral!doug (Doug Fields); Sat Jul 31 08:34:46 EDT 1993
# I call these systems when needed: (Usually daily)
admiral areyes(WEEKLY), yale(DAILY)
# These systems call me whenever... (At the worst weekly)
admiral kilowat(DAILY)
#N afc
#S Silicon Graphics Iris; Irix 4.0
#O Alias Full Color
#C Andrew Hunt
#E afc!ahunt
#T +1 203 270 9622
#P Rocky Glen Mill, 75 Glen Road, Sandy Hook, CT 06482
#L 41 25 N / 73 57 W city
#W jane@uunet.UU.NET (Jane Roop); Mon Oct 28 10:49:35 EST 1991
afc uunet(DEMAND)
#N aix
#S IBM PS/2 70-A21; IBM AIX PS/2 V1.1
#O AGS Information Services, Inc.
#C John Gidman
#E aix!jgidman
#T +1 203 423 2014
#P 18 Foster Drive, Willimantic, CT 06226
#L 41 42 N / 72 12 W [city]
#W jeannie@uunet.UU.NET (Jeannie Hill); Wed Nov 8 07:27:47 EST 1989
aix uunet(DEMAND)
#N aminet
#S Gateway 2000; Linux (SLS); Taylor UUCP
#O Waterbury USENET/UUCP
#C Keith G. Barrett
#E postmaster@aminet.uucp, postmaster%aminet.uucp@nuconvex.com
#T +1 203 258 5497
#P Waterbury, CT 06705
#L 41 33 N / 73 03 W city
#U phantm konk nuconvex
#W aminet!barrett (Keith Barrett); Mon Jun 7 22:01:28 EST 1993
# Personal system serving Wtby area
# Alternate email address: barrett@pamsrc.enet.dec.com
aminet nuconvex(HOURLY*3), n1goj(POLLED)
#N .areyes.com, areyes
#S Intel 486/860; Interactive Unix 3.2 V3.0 (Soon Consensys SVR4.2)
#O Areyes, Inc.
#C Dean Carpenter
#E areyes!deano, areyes!postmaster
#T +1 203 847 6003
#P 306 Silver Creek Lane, Norwalk, CT, 06850
#L 41 09 N / 73 24 W city
#R 33MHz 486 / 33MHz i860, 40meg ram, 1.5gig fast disks
#U uunet admiral kilowatt toria klobe
#W areyes!deano (Dean Carpenter) ; Sun Dec 27 12:06:03 EST 1992
# - News and mail feeds available, preferably TB or V.32bis.
# - +1 203 847 3515
# - Shell accounts available for local reading and posting.
# - A Waffle BBS will be opening up soon - try logging in as
# login: waffle password: waffle
# - We have a faily good collection of packages gleaned from the net
# available, grab the file /usr/spool/uucppublic/filelist.Z
# login: nuucp password: anonymous
areyes= .areyes.com
areyes= areyes.com
# On the local net
#areyes toria(LOCAL), klobe(LOCAL)
# We call these systems on demand, usually every night
# Note: admiral calls us as well
areyes uunet(EVENING+FAST), admiral(EVENING+FAST),
cs.utexas.edu(WEEKLY+FAST), kilowatt(EVENING+FAST)
# These systems call us mainly
areyes kilowatt(EVENING+FAST)
#N arrlhq
#F ns.psi.net
#C Jon Bloom
#E arrlhq!jbloom
#T +1 203 666 1541
#P 225 Main St., Newington, CT 06111
#L 41 42 N / 72 43 W city
#U uupsi
#W nemap@harvard.edu; Wed Jul 15 10:43:04 EDT 1992
arrlhq .arrl.org
arrlhq =arrl.org
arrlhq uupsi(DAILY)
#N babss
#S Multiflow Trace; 4.3 BSD
#O Bell Atlantic Business Systems Service
#C John H. Wadsworth
#E babss!wadsworth
#T +1 800 677 8549
#P 31 Business Park Drive, Branford, CT 06405
#L 41 16 N / 72 48 W city
#W jane@uunet.UU.NET (Jane Roop); Fri Aug 31 10:17:21 EDT 1990
babss yale(DIRECT), uunet(DEMAND)
#N bats
#S AMI 386;
#O Rick Bartholomew
#C Rick Bartholomew
#E bats!rickb
#T +1 203 374 6236
#P 73 Marian Road, Fairfield, CT 06430
#L 41 13 N / 73 15 W
#W bats!rickb (Rick Bartholomew); Wed Nov 01 22:49:00 EST 1989
#U bunker
bats bunker(POLLED)
#N bdk
#S Macintosh SE; MacOS 6.0.4 running Mac-gnuucp
#C Brian Kenney
#E bdk!brian
#T +1 203 755 6796
#P 39 Northwood Dr, Waterbury, CT 06708
#L 41 33 N / 73 03 W
#W bdk!brian (Brian Kenney); Thu Oct 18 14:28:36 EDT 1990
bdk hsi(DAILY)
#N birdland
#S Amiga 2000; AmigaDOS 2.0
#O Never had it in my life
#C Andy Patrizio
#E birdland!andy
#T 1 203 322 4424
#P 308 High Ridge Rd. Stamford, CT 06905
#L 41 03 N / 71 32 W
#W birdland!andy; Mon July 13 21:12:00 EST 1992
#birdland tension(DAILY)
#N blumax
#S Amiga 2000
#O Pesronal Use
#C Mike Fontana
#E blumax!mfontana
#T +1 203 693 2915
#P 83 Deepwood Dr., Avon, CT 06001
#L ? / ?
#U uhasun
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Wed Apr 17 12:00:00 EST 1991
blumax uhasun(DAILY)
#N bristol
#F uunet.uu.net
#S Dell 433TE; Dell V.4
#O Bristol Technology Inc.
#C Roger Collins
#E roger@bristol.com
#T +1 203 438 6969
#P 898 Ethan Allen Hwy, Ridgefield, CT 06877
#L 41 23 N / 73 27 W Danbury
#W roger@bristol.com (Roger Collins); Tue Oct 8 11:32:01 EDT 1991
bristol .bristol.com(LOCAL)
bristol =bristol.com
bristol uunet(DEMAND)
#N brmfg
#S Wyse-386 ; SCO Xenix 2.2
#O Brown Manufacturing Co. Inc.
#C Doug Brown
#E brmfg!ddb
#T +1 203 747 5521
#P 75 Northwest Dr.; Plainville, CT 66062.
#W ki4pv!tanner (Dr. Tanner Andrews); Fri Nov 10 09:28:38 EST 1989
#brmfg hlborl(DAILY)
#N bromberg
#S 386 ix; Unix V 3.2
#O Roman Lasota
#C Roman Lasota
#E bromberg!roman
#T +1 203 754 1120
#P 85 Glenstone Road, Waterbury, CT 06705
#L 41 33 N / 73 03 W city
#W jeannie@uunet.UU.NET (Jeannie Hill); Mon Jun 12 14:26:17 EDT 1989
bromberg uunet(DEMAND)
#N .microvation.com, bronson
#F cs.yale.edu
#O Microvation Consultants
#C Tan Bronson
#E bronson@Microvation.COM
#T 203-421-5061
#P 20 Sperry Road, Madison Ct 06443
#L 35 04 05 N / 106 37 46 W city
#R registered
#U mcdham
#W tan@Microvation.COM (Tan Bronson); Tue Feb 16 17:17:08 EST 1993
bronson .microvation.com
bronson= bronson.microvation.com
bronson laserlab(EVENING), yale(DEMAND), los(POLLED), m10(POLLED),
etb(POLLED), mcdham(DEMAND), cog(POLLED)
#N .afd.olivetti.com, .shel.olivetti.com, .shel.isc-br.com, bunker
#S Olivetti 486; SCO Unix 3.2
#O Olivetti Advanced Financial Development
#C Mike Romaniw, Bill McGarry
#E msr@bunker.afd.olivetti.com, wtm@bunker.afd.olivetti.com
#T +1 203 337 1200
#P 2 Enterprise Drive, Shelton, CT 06484
#L 41 17 47 N / 73 8 48 W
#U caplabs hcap nuconvex
#W wtm@bunker.afd.olivetti.com (Bill McGarry); Thu Feb 25 15:25:19 EST 1993
bunker .shel.isc-br.com
bunker .afd.olivetti.com
bunker .shel.olivetti.com
bunker= bunker.afd.olivetti.com, bunker.shel.isc-br.com
bunker caplabs(POLLED), hcap(DEMAND), isc-br(DAILY),
klbbs(POLLED), lrw(POLLED), oliveb(DAILY), nuconvex (POLLED)
#N cadkey
#S Sun-3 ; SunOS 4.1
#C Eric Holtman
#E cadkey!eric
#T +1 203 298 8888 x7214
#P 440 Oakland St., Manchester, CT 06040
#L 41 47 31 N / 72 31 08 W
#U uhasun
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Mon Sep 16 12:00:00 EST 1991
cadkey uhasun(HOURLY*4)
#N caplabs
#S Amiga 3000 Unix V.4
#O Capricorn Labs
#C Andy Hunt
#E caplabs!andy
#T +1 203 261 1254
#P 3 Hurd Ave, Monroe CT 06468
#L 41 14 N / 73 9 W
#U bunker
#W caplabs!andy (Andy Hunt) Mon Feb 17 19:20:56 EST 1992
caplabs bunker(POLLED)
#N casey
#F uu5.psi.com, uu7.psi.com
#S Sun IPC, SunOS 4.1.1
#O United Parcel Service, Research & Development
#C Dave Skaug
#E casey!postmaster
#T +1 203 731 6365
#P 51-53 Kenosia Avenue, Danbury, CT 06810
#L 41 22 N / 73 22 W
#R Network Communication Services
#U gaboon
#W casey!daves (Dave Skaug); Sat Jul 31 07:18:40 EDT 1993
casey .nrd.ups.com
casey uupsi6(DEMAND)
#N ciwhite
#S 386/20; XENIX
#O Carey Industries Inc.
#C ciwhite!postmaster
#E ciwhite!postmaster
#T +1 203 746 4489
#P P.O. Box 620, Danbury, CT 06810
#L 41 32 N / 73 28 W
#W ciwhite!postmaster; Thu Jan 20 08:11:00 EST 1990
ciwhite gaboon(DEMAND)
#N clunker
#S DEC VAX-11/780; 4.3 BSD UNIX
#O ISC/Bunker Ramo (An Olivetti Company)
#C Mike Romaniw, Bill Wonneberger
#E bunker!msr, bunker!wberger
#T +1 203 337 1200
#P 2 Enterprise Drive, Shelton, CT 06484
#L 41 14 N / 73 9 W
#W bunker!wtm (Bill McGarry); Tue Nov 28 15:52:51 EST 1989
clunker bunker(DEDICATED)
#N cog
#O Cognitronics Inc.
#C Mike Keefe
#E mikek@cognitronics.COM
#T 203-748-8283
#P 107 Mill Plain Road, Danbury Ct 06811
#W tan@Microvation.COM (Tan Bronson); on Tue Feb 16 17:15:04 EST 1993
# can't find cognitronics.com.: Non-existent domain
#cog .cognitronics.com
#cog = cog.cognitronics.com
cog bronson(DEMAND), mcdham(DEMAND)
#N contel0
#S Sun Microsystems 4/280; SunOS 4.0.3
#O Contel IPC
#C Mark A. Maxwell
#E maxz@ipc.contel.com
#T +1 203 326 7181
#P Mtero Center 3rd Floor, Stamford CT 06902
#L 073 42 29 W / 41 04 01 N
#R Trader Turret Systems. Continental Telecommunications Interconnect Planning Corp.
#U philabs
#W maxz@ipc.contel.com; Fri Jun 29 15:00:45 EDT 1990
contel0 philabs(DEMAND)
#N cristy
#S AMI 386/25; SVR3.2
#O WatMan Associates
#C Harold D. Maney
#E cristy!usenet
#T +1 203 431 9329
#P 510 Barrack Hill Road, Ridgefield, CT 06877
#L 41 19 02 N / 73 32 24 W
#W cristy!hal (Harold D. Maney); Fri Apr 24 19:00:00 EST 1992
cristy gaboon(DIRECT+HIGH), terrapn(LOCAL)
#N cy
#S Sun 3/60; Sun-OS 4.0
#O Cyclone Microsystems, Inc.
#C Greg Ames
#E cy!postmaster, postmaster@cyclone.com
#T +1 203 786 5536
#P 25 Science Park, New Haven, CT 06511
#L 41 18 N / 72 55 W city
#W tga@cyclone.com (Greg Ames); Fri Apr 3 12:36:11 EST 1992
cy= cyclone.com
cy .cyclone.com(LOCAL)
cy uunet(DEMAND)
#N cyphyn
#S Frankenstien i386; 386BSD v0.1
#O Evil Weather Machines, Ltd.
#C Fred Floberg
#E cyphyn!postmaster
#T +1 203 934 9367
#P 136 West Spring St. West Haven, CT 06516
#L 41 18 N / 72 52 W city
#R This system used to be known as 'n1gva'.
#R 'n1gva' still exists, but has been removed from
#R the net. All users at 'n1gva' have been moved to
#R 'cyphyn', so mail should be sent to them at cyphyn.
#U a3bee2
#W cyphyn!root (Fred Floberg - N1GVA); Thur May 13 13:18:27 EDT 1993
cyphyn = n1gva
cyphyn a3bee2(DIRECT)
#N dacka
#S Sun Sparcserver 470; SunOs 4.1.1
#O EBS, Inc.
#C Emre Gundogan
#E dacka!baroque
#T +1 203 373 0048
#P 12 Cambridge Drive, Trumbull, CT 06511
#L 41 18 N / 72 55 W city
#W jane@uunet.UU.NET (Jane Roop); Tue Apr 14 16:01:32 EDT 1992
dacka uunet(DEMAND)
#N dagobah
#S Sun 3
#O Seiden & Associates, Inc.
#C Mark Seiden
#E dagobah!mis
#T +1 203 329 2722
#P Stamford, CT 06905
#L 41 03 N / 73 32 W city
#R uupsi has replaced uunet as our main uucp connection 3/91, thank god.
#W mis@seiden.com (Mark Seiden); Sat Mar 23 23:16:12 EST 1991
#U uupsi
dagobah .seiden.com
dagobah = seiden.com
dagobah uupsi(DEMAND)
#N dixiecup
#S IBM PC ; MS-DOS ; UUPC/extended 1.11c ; PCNews 1.0
#O Personal Use
#C Norman Miller
#E dixiecup!nmiller
#T +1 203 297 2103
#P 136 Sunny Reach, West Hartford, CT 06117
#L 41 47 10 N / 72 43 00 W
#U uhasun
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Tue Jul 23 12:00:00 EST 1991
dixiecup uhasun(DAILY)
#N dknight
#S LOGIX 386; ISC 386/ix
#C Dave Knight
#E dknight!postmaster, dknight!dmk
#T +1 203 426 3751
#P 196 Brushy Hill Road, Newtown, CT 06470
#L 41 32 N / 73 28 W
#U gaboon
#W dknight!dmk (David M. Knight); Fri Feb 24 19:10:00 EST 1989
dknight gaboon(DEMAND)
#N dtop
#S Intergraph Clix; SCO Xenix
#O Desktop Ai
#C Richard Roth
#E dtop!root
#T +1 203 255 3400
#P 303 Linwood Ave, Fairfield, CT 06430
#L 41 09 N / 73 15 W city
#W lorelei@uunet.UU.NET (Lorelei Horner); Fri Apr 19 18:31:30 EDT 1991
dtop uunet(DEMAND)
#N dulang
#S AT&T 3b1; System V 3.51
#C James Lang
#E dulang!lang
#T +1 203 881 1937
#P 13 Patton Ave, Seymour, CT 06483
#L 41 23 N / 73 05 W
#W dulang!lang (James Lang); Sun May 29 09:27:01 EDT 1988
#U hsi
dulang hsi(DAILY)
#N dwrite
#S Data-Stor 386-33D; ESIX V R4
#O DesignWrite Communications
#C Shawn R. Blair
#E dwrite!shawn
#T +1 203 368 1995
#P 354 West Morgan Ave., Bridgeport, CT 06604
#L 41 15 N / 73 10 W
#W dwrite!shawn (Shawn R. Blair);Thurs Apr 25 22:30:10 EST 1991
dwrite rpmc(DAILY), srblair(DEMAND)
#N ehovel
#S PC XT; MS-DOS with UUPC 1.11m
#O The Adessee Corporation
#C Barry D. Gates
#E ehovel!root
#T +1 203 790 9471
#P 36 Mill Plain Rd. Suite 307 Danbury, CT 06811
#L 41 23 N 73 27 W
#W evie@uunet.UU.NET (Evie Allen); Mon Oct 26 16:51:11 EST 1992
ehovel uunet(DEMAND)
#N em
#O EM, Inc.
#C Chris Ryland
#E em!cpr
#T +1 203 399 7903
#P 327 E. Pond Meadow, Westbrook, CT 06498
#L 41 17 N / 72 26 W city
#R updated 7/14/90 - nemap@harvard
#W jane@uunet.UU.NET (Jane Roop); Mon Jan 22 08:55:59 EST 1990
em bronson(DEMAND)
#N enigma1
#O Enigma Research
#C Jeffrey Schenkman
#E root@enigma1.ddmi.com ; enigma1!root
#P P.O. Box 719, Avon, CT 06001
#L Presently undetermined.
#U tygra
#W tygra!cat (John Palmer); Sun Jan 6 17:09:21 EST 1991
enigma1 = enigma1.ddmi.com
enigma1 tygra(DAILY)
#N essnj1
#S 80386 clone; Interactive unix 2.2 (SYSV 3.2)
#O ESSNJAY Systems Inc.
#C Hibbard T. Smith JR
#E smitty@essnj1.essnjay.com
#T +1 203 393 1590
#P 34 Tawney Drive, Bethany, CT USA 06525-3066
#L 41 30 N/ 72 25 W
#W essnj1!smitty; Sun Mar 24 09:47:11 EST 1991
#U hsi
essnj1= essnjay.com
essnj1 .essnjay.com
essnj1 hsi(DAILY/6)
#N etb
#S IBMPC/80486; MSWindows
#O Intellimation
#C Eric Bovell
#E etb!usenet
#T +1 203 453 1239
#P 3 Seaview Terrace, Guilford, CT 06437
#L 41 15 N / 72 40 W
#U bronson
#W etb!eric (Eric Bovell); Thu Oct 28 02:21:48 EDT 1992
etb bronson(DEMAND+FAST), barnyard(EVENING)
#N fairfield
#S DEC Vaxstation II LAN; Ultrix 2.0
#O Fairfield University
#C Dave Douglass
#E fairfield!douglass
#T +1 203 254 4000 x2900
#P Computer Center, Bannow Science Bldg., Fairfield, CT 06430
#L 41 08 30 N / 73 15 48 W
#R Five idle Vaxstations on an ethernet
#W fairfield!douglass (Dave Douglass); Wed Apr 06 12:00:00 EST 1988
# There is no one machine named 'fairfield'; we're a NFS mirage.
# Most faculty can be reached on local VMS host 'fair1' at
# fairfield!fair1.dnet!username or fairfield!fair1::username
fairfield bunker(DIRECT)
#N funvax
#S DEC MicroVAX II; Ultrix 32m 1.2
#O Fairfield University
#C Paul Puglia
#E funvax!postmaster
#T +1 203 254 4000 x2555
#P 129 Bannow, Fairfield University, Fairfield, CT 06430
#R Gateway machine for Fairfield University LAN
#U bunker
#W bunker!wtm (Bill McGarry); Tue Dec 13 09:17:21 EST 1988
funvax bunker(DEMAND)
#N gaboon
#S 486; UNIX SYS V
#C Stan Voket
#E gaboon!postmaster, gaboon!asv
#T +1 203 746 4489
#P 29 Linda Lane, New Fairfield, CT 06812
#L 41 32 N / 73 28 W
#U a3bee2 cristy
#R :-)
#W gaboon!asv (Stan Voket); Mon Feb 18 20:00 EST 1993
gaboon a3bee2(DIRECT), ciwhite(DEMAND), dknight(EVENING),
trda5(DEMAND), tewns(WEEKLY), cristy(EVENING), afc(DEAD)
#N gcm
#S Sun 4/280; SunOS 4.0.3
#O Greenwich Capital Markets
#C Dan Lorenzini
#E gcm!dal
#T +1 203 625 2779
#P 600 Steamboat Road, Greenwich, CT 06830
#U philabs
#W gcm!dal (Dan Lorenzini); Thu Sep 21 08:33:40 EDT 1989
gcm philabs(DAILY), uunet(DAILY), norwalk(DAILY)
#N gdc
#F psi.com
#S Sun 4/490; SunOS 4.1.1
#O General DataComm, Inc.
#C Jeff Park
#E gdc!postmaster
#T +1 203 758 1811 x7660
#P Park Road Extension, Middlebury, CT 06762-1299
#L 41 35 00 N / 73 03 49 W
#R Running bnews-2.11
#W gdc!postmaster (Jeff Park); Sun Jan 26 09:51:41 EST 1992
#U psi.com
gdc .gdc.com #our domain
gdc uupsi(DIRECT),gdcevax(LOCAL)
#N gdcevax
#S DEC VAX8800; VMS V5.3-1
#O General DataComm, Inc.
#C Jeff Park
#E gdc!postmaster
#T +1 203 758 1811 x7660
#P Park Road Extension, Middlebury, CT 06762-1299
#L 41 35 00 N / 73 03 49 W
#R Running DECUS uucp V1.1 and ANU News 57
#W gdc!postmaster (Jeff Park); Sun Jan 26 09:51:41 EST 1992
#U psi.com
gdcevax = evax.gdc.com #alias
gdcevax gdc(DIRECT)
#N genly
#S Commodore Amiga 2000HD; AmigaDos 1.3
#O Eggplant Software Tools
#C Chris Hind Genly
#E genly!chris
#T +1 203 389 8680
#P 95 Fountain Terrace, New Haven, CT, 06515
#L 41 19 42 N / 72 59 33 W
#R Limited newsfeed. I work at home!
#U ang hsi tptv
#W genly!chris (Chris Hind Genly); Mon Apr 02 16:36:15 EST 1991
genly hsi(HOURLY/2), acunzo(DAILY), main-st(DAILY)
#N grundoo
#S Vax 11/750; 4.3bsd
#O Yale University, School of Management
#C Peter Kalamarides
#E yale!grundoo!pk
#T +1 203 432 5931
#P 135 Prospect St, 1A Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520
#L 41 18 N / 72 25 W
#R This is the gateway to the Yale SOM network.
#W yale!Long-Morrow (H. Morrow Long); Wed Jun 28 11:09:02 EDT 1989
grundoo = grundoon
grundoo yale(LOCAL)
#N gstsw1
#S HP 9000 Series 500; HP-UX 5.01
#O Gerber Systems Technology, Inc.
#C Galen Brooks
#E gstsw1!postmaster
#T +1 203 644 2581 x4528
#P 40 Gerber Road East; South Windsor, Connecticut 06074
#L 72 30 00 W / 41 49 24 N
#R Visible system at GST
#R masscomp link dropped - 7/30/90 - nemap@harvard
#W gstsw1!brooks (Galen Brooks); Fri Jan 3 15:51:38 EST 1986
gstsw1 hpfcla(DAILY), axiom(DAILY), hpuwcta(DAILY)
#N .stat.yale.edu, gucci
#F cs.yale.edu
#S SUN 3/280; SunOS 4.0
#O Yale University, Dept of Statistics
#C Alan S. Watt
#E yale!watt-alan
#T +1 203 432 6600
#P 24 Hillhouse Ave, 2179 Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520-2179
#L 41 18 N / 72 25 W
#R There is also an MX record for STAT.YALE.EDU on the internet
#W yale!Long-Morrow (H. Morrow Long); Wed Jun 28 14:43:31 EDT 1989
gucci .stat.yale.edu
gucci = stat.yale.edu
gucci yale(LOCAL)
#N harrel
#S Compaq 386-20; Xenix System V, Rel.2.2.2
#O Harrel, Inc.
#C Steven Friedman
#E harrel!friedman
#T +1 203 866 2573
#P 16 Fitch St., E. Norwalk, CT 06855
#L 41 07 N / 73 25 W city
#W rick@uunet.UU.NET (Rick Adams); Mon Mar 21 17:24:07 EST 1988
harrel uunet(DEMAND)
#N hcap
#S Fortune 32:16; Aladdin 4.1
#O Handicap Digest
#C Bill McGarry
#E bunker!wtm, hcap!wtm
#T +1 203 337 1518
#P c/o ISC/Bunker Ramo, 2 Enterprise Drive, Shelton, CT 06484
#L 41 14 N / 73 9 W
#R This machine handles the Handicap Digest mailing list
#R and is also handles the interface between several
#R Fidonet conferences and misc.handicap
#W bunker!wtm (Bill McGarry) ; Mon Nov 26 10:16:03 EST 1990
hcap bunker(DEMAND), hnews(POLLED)
#N hnews
#F bunker.shel.isc-br.com
#S Olivetti M28 (286); PC-DOS 3.30
#O Handicap News BBS
#C Bill McGarry
#E wtm@bunker.shel.isc-br.com, hnews!wtm
#T +1 203 337 1518
#P c/o ISC-Bunker Ramo, 2 Enterprise Drive, Shelton, CT 06484
#L 41 14 N / 73 9 W
#R This machine is a Fidonet Bulletin Board (node 1:141/420)
#R and is the gateway between various Fidonet echomail
#R conferences for the handicapped (ABLED, Spinal Injury,
#R Chronic Pain, Advocacy, Blinktalk and Silenttalk) and the
#R Usenet newsgroup misc.handicap (the Handicap News).
#R The BBS phone number is (203) 337-1607 (300/1200/2400 baud)
#U bunker
#W stjhmc!ddodell (David Dodell); Fri Jun 14 22:00:00 MST 1991
# Approved by ddodell@stjhmc.fidonet.org
# Administrator, fidonet.org
hnews= hnews.fidonet.org, f420.n141.z1.fidonet.org
hnews hcap(POLLED)
#N .hsi.com, hsi
#S DECSystem 5000/240; Ultrix 4.2a
#O 3M Health Information Systems
#C Gary Wright, Jim Hogue
#E wright@hsi.com, hogue@hsi.com
#T +1 203 949 0303
#P 100 Barnes Road, Wallingford, CT 06492
#L 41 29 N / 72 49 W
#U a3bee2 essnj1 genly m10 mlfarm stpstn uunet infoage
#W wright@hsi.com (Gary Wright); Sun Nov 29 15:53:54 EST 1992
hsi= hsi.com
hsi .hsi.com
hsi a3bee2(HOURLY), bdk(DAILY), dulang(WEEKLY),
essnj1(DAILY/8), genly(DAILY/8), infoage(DAILY/2), kohala(WEEKLY),
m10(EVENING), mlfarm(EVENING), nuconvex(HOURLY), odicon(HOURLY),
osiris(EVENING), splee(EVENING), stpstn(DIRECT), tommc(DAILY),
uunet(DIRECT), yale(DIRECT)
#N infoage
#S Apple Macintosh II; System 7, uucp 3.0, Fernmail 1.2b1
#O Information Age Consulting
#C Brad Cox
#E bradcox@infoage.com
#T 1 203 868 9182
#P 269 Nettleton Hollow Road; Washington Depot CT 06793
#R Remarks
#U hsi
#L 42 N / 72 W
#W bradcox@infoage.com (Brad Cox); 12 July 1992
infoage hsi(DAILY/8)
#N intdan
#S Intel 386/320; System V 3.2
#O Intel Corporation
#C Mark Hill
#E intdan!postmaster
#T +1 203 748 3130
#P 83 Woooster Heights Road, Danbury, CT 06810
#U idayton
#W intdan!postmaster (Mark Hill); Wed Aug 15 08:00:00 EST 1990
intdan inthap(HOURLY), idayton(HOURLY)
#N jbseq
#S Sequent; Dynix 3.0
#O John Brown, Inc.
#C Pol Dessy
#E jbseq!root
#T +1 203 327 1450
#P 333 Ludlow Street, Stamford, CT 06902
#L 41 03 N / 73 32 W city
#W jane@uunet.UU.NET (Jane Roop); Thu May 10 13:13:52 EDT 1990
jbseq uunet(DEMAND)
#N jumbo
#S Masscomp 5450 ; RTU 4.1A
#O University of Hartford, Computer Science
#C Andrew Lindh, John Gray
#E uhasun!root
#T +1 203 243 4041
#L 41 47 40 N / 72 43 00 W
#R A large "Star Trek: The Next Generation" GIF FTP site
#R jumbo.hartford.edu []
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Mon Sep 16 12:00:00 EST 1991
jumbo = jumbo.hartford.edu
jumbo uhasun(LOCAL)
#N klbbs
#S 286-PC; OS/2
#O Trumbull Mini-BBS (FIDONET)
#C Kent Luther
#E klbbs!postmaster
#T +1 203 268 0313
#P 48 Stag Lane, Trumbull, CT 06611
#L 73 10 00 W / 41 15 00 N
#R FidoNode 1:141/370 running Binkley/UFGATE/Maximus
#W stjhmc!ddodell (David Dodell); Fri Mar 27 08:56:36 EST 1992
# Approved by ddodell@stjhmc.fidonet.org
# Administrator, fidonet.org
klbbs .n141.z1.fidonet.org
klbbs= klbbs.fidonet.org, f370.n141.z1.fidonet.org
klbbs bunker(DIRECT)
#N limat
#S Sun 3/260; SunOs 4.0.3
#O Limat Graphics
#C Eric Bovell
#E limat!eric
#T +1 203 798 9771
#P 128 E. Liberty Street, Danbury, CT 06810
#L 41 23 N / 73 27 W city
#W jane@uunet.UU.NET (Jane Roop); Tue Aug 13 15:12:12 EDT 1991
limat uunet(DEMAND)
#N los
#O O'Reilly Associates
#C Mike Loukides
#E mikel@los.ora.COM
#T 203-458-2545
#P 30 Hungry Hill Circle, Gilford Ct 06437
#L 35 04 05 N / 106 37 45 W city
#W mikel@los.Ora.COM (Mike Loukides); Thu Jun 14 11:50:12 EDT 1990
#los= los.ora.com
los bronson(DEMAND)
#N lrw
#O LRW Systems
#C Jerry Leichter
#E lrw!postmaster
#F uu.psi.com
#T +1 203 329 0921
#P 24 Old Orchard Lane, Stamford CT 06903
#L 41 03 N / 73 32 W city
#R Running DECUS uucp V1.1
#U dagobah, bunker, uupsi, yale
#W lrw!leichter (Jerry Leichter); Mon Feb 17 16:54:02 EST 1992
lrw .lrw.com(LOCAL)
lrw = lrw.com, ds.lrw.com, jerry.lrw.com, tops.lrw.com
lrw bunker(DAILY+FAST)
lrw yale(DAILY+FAST)
lrw uupsi(HOURLY)
#N m10
#F uunet.uu.net
#O Lorentzian Inc.
#C Mike Frisch
#E frisch@lorentzian.COM
#T +1 203 234 0618
#P 127 Washington Ave., North Haven 06473
#L 35 04 05 N / 106 37 46 W city
#U hsi
#W frisch@lorentzian.COM (Mike Frisch); Sun Nov 25 12:22:35 EST 1990
m10 .gaussian.com
m10 .lorentzian.com
m10= m10.gaussian.com
m10= m10.lorentzian.com
m10 hsi(DEMAND), bronson(DEMAND), uunet(DEMAND)
#N main-st
#S Macintosh SE; MacOS 7.0 running UUPC 3.0
#O Main Street Communications
#C Bert Smith
#E main-st!bert
#T +1 203 789 1593
#P 250 Willow St., New Haven, CT 06511
#L 41 18 N / 72 55 W city
#W main-st!bert (Bert Smith); Sat May 8 08:30:00 EST 1993
main-st genly(DAILY/2)
#N mcb
#S DTK 386/33; AMI
#O Message Center Beepers
#C James L. Holmes Jr.
#E mcb!root
#T +1 203 278 2337
#P 40 Woodland Street, Hartford, CT 06105
#L 41 45 N / 72 42 W city
#W lorelei@uunet.UU.NET (Lorelei Horner); Sat May 11 11:30:58 EDT 1991
mcb uunet(DEMAND)
#N mcdham
#S Motorola VME Delta 3800 (MC68030); SVR3
#O Motorola, Semiconductor Products Sector / Microcomputer Division
#C Tan Bronson,Larry MacIlvain
#E mcdham!news
#T +1 203 949 4140
#P 35 Thorpe Ave. Wallingford, CT 06492
#L 42 42 N / 71 11 W
#R Motorola Sales and Applications Field Office
#U mcdhup motbos
#W mcdham!tan (Tan Bronson); Tue Jan 14 09:18:19 EST 1992
mcdham motbos(DEMAND), mcdbos(DEMAND), mcdhup(DEMAND),
mcdrv1(DEMAND), mcdrhr(DEMAND), mcdphl(DEMAND),
mcdapps(DEMAND), bronson(DEMAND), cog(POLLED)
#N mere
#S 80286 System ; Coherent 3.1
#O Personal System
#C Steve Thomas
#E mere!root
#T +1 203 738 9433
#P 12 Farnsworth, RR No. 2, Winsted, CT 06098
#L 41 53 N / 73 01 W
#R Operated by one of the 'middco' administrators.
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Wed Apr 17 12:00:00 EST 1991
mere middco(DAILY/4)
#N middco
#S PC/AT Clone ; Microport System-V/AT 2.4
#O Connecticut *nix Society
#C Marty Townsend, Charles Olsen, Steve Thomas
#E middco!postmaster
#T +1 203 658 0677
#P P.O. Box 824, 153 N. Mountain Rd., Canton, CT 06019
#L 41 51 N / 72 52 W
#R Formerly operated by Middleburg Corporation, the system is now
#R operated by "The Connecticut *nix Society". The society serves
#R the Farmington Valley area, with a technical *NIX slant. We of-
#R fer on-line BBS and file server capabilities to members. Requests
#R for information may be sent to middco!postmaster.
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Tue Apr 23 12:00:00 EST 1991
middco uhasun(HOURLY*3), <admiral>(WEEKLY),
noise(DAILY), mere(DAILY)
#N .mlfarm.com, mlfarm
#F hsi.com
#S Sun IPC; Sunos-4.1.3
#O Maple Lawn Farm
#C Ronald Florence
#E postmaster@mlfarm.com
#T +1 203 535 3815
#P 343 Wheeler Road, Stonington, CT 06378
#L 41 23 46 N / 071 54 33 W
#U hsi purvid
#W ron@mlfarm.com (Ronald Florence); Tue Jun 1 22:27:07 EDT 1993
mlfarm= mlfarm.com
mlfarm .mlfarm.com(LOCAL), hsi(HOURLY), purvid(EVENING), rayssd(EVENING)
#N mmintl
#S DEC VAX-11/785; 4.1 BSD UNIX
#O Ashton-Tate (formerly Multimate International)
#C Joe McCollough
#E mmintl!postmaster
#T +1 203 522 2116
#P 52 Oakland Avenue, East Hartford, CT 06108
#L 41 47 30 N / 72 40 30 W
#W mmintl!jem (Joe McCollough); Fri Apr 8 17:30:24 EST 1988
#R deleted pwa-b per pwa-b!root - Sat Jan 28 10:11:38 EST 1989 -jj
#R News connection with dbase and ashtate for limited newsgroups only
#U ashtate, dbase
mmintl ashtate(DEMAND+HIGH), dbase(DEMAND+HIGH)
#N mrps2
#S IRIS 3130
#O Miles, Inc.
#C Tenna Sakai
#E mrps2!root
#T +1 203 937 2856
#P 400 Morgan Lane, West Haven,CT 06516
#L 41 18 N / 72 55 W city
#W donnalyn@uunet.UU.NET (Donnalyn Frey); Mon Aug 22 12:59:41 EDT 1988
mrps2 uunet(DEMAND)
#N mstr
#S VAX 11/750 ; 4.3 BSD UNIX
#O Hartford Graduate Center
#C Gary Trail
#E mstr!postmaster, postmaster@hgc.edu, postmaster@mstr.hgc.edu
#T +1 203 548 7869
#P 275 Windsor Street, Hartford, CT 06120
#L 41 46 N / 72 41 W city
#U uupsi pwa-b
#R Registered Internet Domain: hgc.edu
#R On the INTERNET: mstr.hgc.edu []
#W mstr!gary (Gary Trail); Sun Mar 8 23:18:41 EST 1992
mstr .hgc.edu
mstr =mstr.hgc.edu
mstr uupsi(DEDICATED), uhasun(DAILY), pwa-b(DIRECT)
#N mtzion
#S Nextstation color mach 0.5 Nextstep 3.0
#O Zion Software & Consulting
#C David J. Ferrero
#E mtzion!root
#T +1 203 429 4695
#P P.O. Box 56, 91 Depot Rd. Mansfield Depot, CT 06251
#L 41 48 N 72 18 W
#W postmaster@uunet.UU.NET (E. Allen); Tue Mar 9 14:59:09 EST 1993
mtzion <uunet>(DEMAND)
#N musak
#S Sun IPC; SunOS 4.1.1
#O Data Switch Corporation
#C Agnes Phipps
#E musak!root
#T +1 203 926 1801
#P One Enterprise Dr., Shelton, CT 06484
#L 41 18 N / 73 05 W city
#W lori@uunet.UU.NET (Lori Lewis); Mon Aug 31 13:38:37 EDT 1992
musak uunet(DEMAND)
#N n1goj
#S Frankenstien i386; SYSV R3.2
#O M.Y.T.H. INC.
#C Peter Keyes
#E pjk@n1goj
#T +1 203 755 9580
#P 168 Mulloy Rd. Unit 18 Waterbury CT 06705
#L 41 33 N / 73 03 W city
#U aminet
#W n1goj!pjk (Peter Keyes - N1GOJ); Tue Mar 23 04:26:00 1993
n1goj aminet(DIRECT)
#N nina
#S Sun Sparcstation SLC; SunOs 4.1.1
#O Shoreline Distributed Systems
#C Curtis Hartmann
#E nina!root
#T +1 203 481 4195
#P 90 Beckett Avenue, Branford, CT 06405
#L 41 16 N / 72 48 W city
#W jane@uunet.UU.NET (Jane Roop); Wed Jan 22 16:02:25 EST 1992
nina uunet(DEMAND)
#N noise
#S 80386 System ; ESIX SV3.2D
#O Personal System
#C Charles Olsen
#E noise!postmaster
#T +1 203 673 3371
#P 15 Hillsboro Ln., Avon, CT 06001
#L 41 46 N / 72 52 W
#R Operated by one of the 'middco' administrators. This
#R system serves as the southern gateway to node 'middco'
#R for Connecticut *nix Society members.
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Wed Apr 17 12:00:00 EST 1991
noise middco(HOURLY/2)
#N novotech
#S Toshiba 5200 ; MS DOS
#O NovoTech
#C Andy Novobilski
#E novotech!andyn
#T +1 203 393 2868
#P 88 Doolittle Dr., Bethany, CT 06524
#L 41 26 N / 72 59 W city
#W lori@uunet.UU.NET (Lori Lewis); Mon Aug 26 15:52:39 EDT 1991
novotech uunet(DEMAND)
#N nuconvex
#F bulldog.cs.yale.edu
#S DEC VAXstation 3100 M38; VMS V5.5-2
#O CONnecticut Valley Electric eXchange
#C Paul G. Simons
#E postmaster@nuconvex.com
#T +1 203 276 6435
#P 297 Belleview Ave. Southington, CT 06489
#L 41 35 16 N / 72 52 07 W
#R Running DECUS uucp V2.0, MX 3.1c, ANU News V6.1-Alpha4
#U bunker,starpt
#W simonpg@nuconvex.com (Paul Simons); Mon Mar 1 11:16 EST 1993
nuconvex .nuconvex.com
nuconvex = nuconvex.com
nuconvex yale(DIRECT),hsi(DIRECT),bunker(DIRECT),starpt(DIRECT),
#N odicon
#S 386 Intel based
#C John Grzesiak
#E odicon!postmaster, odicon!jlg
#T +1 203 634 1319
#P 1756 North Broad ST Meriden, CT 06450
#L 41 29 N / 72 49 W
#U hsi
#W odicon!jlg (John L. Grzesiak); Wed Aug 22 22:02:04 EST 1990
odicon spock(DAILY), hsi(DIRECT), a3bee2(DIRECT)
#N orioneb
#S IBM XT; DOS 3.2
#O Orions Nebula
#C Ward Carpenter
#E orioneb!wardc
#T +1 203 431 8453
#P 275 North St, Ridgefield Ct.
#L 41 22 N/ 73 29 W
#R Fido Net node 1:141/705
#U acheron
#W acheron!clarke (Ed Clarke); Fri Mar 10 18:04:40 PST 1989
# Fidonet - presently mail only
# approved by fidohost@castle.fidonet.org: Fri Mar 10 18:04:16 PST 1989
orioneb= orioneb.fidonet.org, f705.n141.z1.fidonet.org
orioneb acheron(EVENING)
#N ose
#S Micronics 386/33 ; SCO UNIX 3.2
#O Open Systems Engineering
#C Gregory Balfanz
#E ose!root
#T +1 203 653 0032
#P PO Box 396, Granby, CT 06035
#L ?
#U uhasun
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Wed Mar 13 12:00:00 EST 1991
ose uhasun(DAILY)
#N paradim
#S Sun 3/60; SunOs 4.0.1
#O Rush Systems
#C Jean Pierre Le Jacq
#E paradim!root
#T +1 203 295 8185
#P 34 Millstone Drive, Marlborough, CT 06447
#L 41 45 N / 70 37 W city
#W jeannie@uunet.UU.NET (Jeannie Hill); Tue May 9 14:06:48 EDT 1989
paradim uunet(DEMAND)
#N phantm
#S Amiga 2000; AmigaDOS 2.04; AmigaUUCP 1.15.10D
#O Phantom Development
#C Christopher Aldi
#E starpt!phantm!aldi
#T +1 203 628 5958
#P Plantsville, CT 06479
#L 41 33 N / 73 03 W city
#W aminet!barrett (Keith Barrett); Mon Jan 5 12:00:00 EST 1993
phantm starpt(POLLED)
#N pumpkin
#S MAC SE/30 ; uupc 3.0
#O Dithyramb Engineering
#C Scott Douglass
#E pumpkin!scott
#T +1 203 521 1682
#P 72 Spring Lane, West Hartford, CT 06107
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Mon Sep 21 12:00:00 EST 1992
pumpkin uhasun(WEEKLY)
#N pwa-b
#S DEC VAX 11/785; 4.3BSD-reno UNIX
#O Pratt and Whitney Aircraft
#C Bob Miorelli
#E pwa-b!miorelli
#T +1 203 565 9699, +1 203 565 1687
#P 400 Main St., M.S. 161-05, E. Hartford, CT 06108
#L 41 44 35 N / 72 37 37 W
#W pwa-b!miorelli (Bob Miorelli); Thu Jul 25 09:33:44 1991
#U philabs hellgate.utah.edu mstr uunet
pwa-b hellgate.utah.edu(HOURLY),
#N quadbbs
#F uunet.uu.net
#S IBM PC/XT; Waffle BBS v1.64
#O Middlebrook School
#C Modie Moore
#E postmaster@quadbbs.terrapin.com
#T +1 203 762 8388
#P 131 School Road, Wilton, CT 06897
#L 41 14 N / 73 29 W
#U terrapn
#W pcurtis@terrapin.com (Paul Curtis); Fri Jun 12 11:36:43 1992 EDT
quadbbs =quadbbs.terrapin.com
quadbbs terrapn(LOCAL)
#N sca-sun
#F cs.yale.edu
#S Sun 3/160; SUNOS 4.0.3
#O Scientific Computing Associates, Inc.
#C H. Morrow Long
#E Postmaster@SCA.COM, sca-sun!usenet
#T +1 203 777 7442
#P 246 Church Street, Suite 307, New Haven, CT 06510
#L 41 18 N / 72 25 W
#R This is also SCA-SUN.SCA.COM [] - NOT on the internet
#W Long-Morrow@SCA.COM (H. Morrow Long); Wed Dec 19 15:42:14 EST 1990
#U yale
# Addressing conventions:
# To send mail to SCA users :
# sca-sun!lastname-firstname
# (if the lastname is unambiguous the firstname can be dropped)
# a.k.a
sca-sun .sca.com(LOCAL)
sca-sun = sca, sca.com, sca-sun.sca.com
# SCA <=> Yale CS uucp over TCP/IP over LocalTalk link
sca-sun yale(LOCAL)
#N seltd
#S Northgate 386/33; SCO Unix
#O Systems Essentials Limited
#C Kenneth Lerman
#E seltd!lerman
#T +1 203 426 4430
#P 55 Main Street, Newtown, CT 06470
#L 41 25 N / 73 18 W
#U gaboon
#W seltd!lerman (Kenneth Lerman); Tue Apr 21 16:43:42 EDT 1992
seltd gaboon(EVENING)
#N sfleet
#S Reply Model 16, SCO Xenix 2.3.3/386
#O The Admiral's Second Unix System
#C Doug Fields Jr.
#E telesys!admiral!sfleet!doug
#T +1 203 436 0184
#P PO Box 1789 Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520
#L 41 18 N / 72 25 W city
#U admiral, yale
#R This system, sfleet, is basically an extension of system admiral.
#R If you would, for some strange reason, desire access to this, contact
#R me here, at admiral!admiral, or fields-doug@cs.yale.edu. Address all
#R anonymous UUCP traffic to system admiral.
#R See also system "admiral" for more information
#W telesys!admiral!sfleet!doug (Doug Fields); Wed Oct 10 02:13 EST 1990
sfleet admiral(WEEKLY*2)
#N slb-sdr
#S SUN 2/180; 4.2 SUN BSD
#O Schlumberger-Doll Research
#C Jeff Shulman, Ray Kocian, Claude Barbe
#E slb-sdr!usenet
#T +1 203 431 5000
#P Old Quarry Road, Ridgefield, CT 06877-4108
#L 41 17 N / 73 30 W
#U yale
#W slb-sdr!shulman (Jeffrey S. Shulman); Wed June 1 10:27:04 EDT 1988
slb-sdr yale(EVENING+HIGH)
#N speedy.cheshire.ct.us, splee
#S PC/386 Clone ; Linux (Free Unix)
#O Personal Home system
#C Seng-Poh Lee
#E lee@gdc.com, lee@speedy.cheshire.ct.us, splee!lee
#T +1 203 758 1811 Ext 7728
#P Cheshire, CT 06410
#L 41 30 N / 72 54 W
#W lee@gdc.com (Seng-Poh Lee) ; Wed Jan 20 22:36:00 EST 1993
splee= speedy.cheshire.ct.us
splee hsi(EVENING)
#N spock
#S SUN 4/330; SunOS 4.1.3
#O Choate Rosemary Hall
#C Alec Peterson
#E spock!chuckie
#T +1 203 269 7722 x470, +1 203 284 5470
#P P.O. Box 788, Wallingford, Connecticut 06492
#L 41 27 N / 72 50 W
#R News and mail gateway for CHOATE.EDU
#U yale, a3bee2
#W spock!chuckie (Alec Peterson); Mon Mar 1 16:16:00 EST 1993
spock choate.edu
spock = .choate.edu
spock = spock.choate.edu
spock yale(DIRECT+FAST+HIGH), a3bee2(HOURLY), mejac(DIRECT+LOW),
decwrl(DIRECT+FAST), odicon(DEAD)
#N srblair
#S PC AT Clone; Coherent 3.1.0
#O DesignWrite Communications
#C Shawn R. Blair
#E srblair!shawn
#T +1 203 368 1995
#P 354 West Morgan Ave. Bridgeport, CT 06604
#L 41 15 N / 73 10 W
#W srblair!shawn (Shawn R. Blair);Thurs Apr 25 22:30:10 EST 1991
srblair rpmc(DAILY), dwrite(DEMAND)
#N sscreen
#O Silver Screen BBS Service
#C James Ryan
#E sscreen!postmaster
#T +1 203 333 4160
#P c/o James Ryan, P.O. Box 5682, Bridgeport CT 06610 USA
#L 42 10 N / 72 10 W BRIDGEPORT CT
#U bunker klbbs
#R Fido 1:141/9 running UFGATE
#W sscreen!jryan (James Ryan) ; Mon May 15 21:00:00 EST 1989
# approved by castle!fidohost: Sat May 20 11:31:53 PDT 1989
sscreen .f9.n141.z1.fidonet.org
sscreen= sscreen.fidonet.org, f9.n141.z1.fidonet.org
sscreen bunker(DIRECT), klbbs(DIRECT)
#N starpt
#S Amiga 3000; AmigaDOS 2.04; AmigaUUCP 1.13
#O 68k Software Development Systems
#C Glenn Doiron
#E hsi.com!nuconvex.com!starpt!doiron
#T +1 203 747 5255
#P 20 Bradley St, Plainvile, CT 06062
#L 41 35 N / 72 52 W city
#W nuconvex!starpt!doiron (Glenn Doiron); Sun Jan 12 22:01:28 EST 1992
starpt nuconvex(POLLED), phantm(POLLED)
#R Newsfeeds available. Starpt is up on a dedicated phone line almost
#R 24 hours a day. I am willing to ship news/mail through my system for
#R just about anyone. v32/HST/MNP connections all available. Local areas:
#R Bristol, New Britain, Farmington, Southington, Berlin, and Plainville.
#N .stepstone.com, stpstn
#F uunet.uu.net
#S Sun 3/180; SunOS 3.2
#O The Stepstone Corporation
#C Anthony A. Datri
#E stpstn!aad (aad@stepstone.com)
#T +1 203 426 1875
#P 75 Glen Road, Sandy Hook, CT 06482
#R Used to be ppi. Want a mail feed? Gimme a call (TB most welcome)
#W stpstn!aad (Anthony A. Datri); Tue Oct 25 12:46:31 EDT 1988
#U gaboon hsi
stpstn= stepstone.com
stpstn .stepstone.com
stpstn gaboon(DIRECT), hsi(DIRECT)
#N suncabl
#F portal
#S Sun Sparcstation 1 Plus; Sun OS 4.1.1
#O Odili Technologies
#C Austin Ekeinde
#E suncabl!postmaster
#T +1 203 438 2873
#P 650 Danbury Rd., Richfield, CT 06877
#L 41 16 53 N / 73 29 55 W [city]
#R Portal Communications Company gateway
#W portal!support (Portal Support); Mon Mar 1 15:28:50 PST 1993
suncabl .odili.com
suncabl= suncabl.portal.com
suncabl portal(POLLED)
#N syntaxis
#S 386 ix; Unix V 3.2
#O Roman Lasota
#C Roman Lasota
#E syntaxis!roman
#T +1 203 754 1120
#P 85 Glenstone Road, Waterbury, CT 06705
#L 41 33 N / 73 03 W city
#W jane@uunet.UU.NET (Jane Roop); Wed Feb 5 14:19:32 EST 1992
syntaxis uunet(DEMAND)
#N tension
#S Commodore Amiga 2500; 2.04 AmigaDos
#O High Tension BBS
#C Greg Hargrove
#E tension!postmaster
#T +1 203 348 9976
#P 66 Courtland Hill, Stamford, CT 06906
#L 41 07 18 N / 73 20 12 W
#W tension!grove (Greg Hargrove); Sun July 22 10:30:33 1992 EST
#tension birdland(DAILY)
#N terrapn
#S AMI BIOS 386SX-16; Coherent 4.0.1
#O Terrapin Associates
#C Paul Curtis
#E terrapin.com!pcurtis
#T +1 203 438 2550
#P 10 Seventh Lane, Ridgefield, CT 06877, USA
#L 41 19 10 N / 73 31 45 W
#W terrapin.com!postmaster (Paul Curtis); Sun Mar 21 18:39:52 1993 EST
terrapn .terrapin.com(LOCAL)
terrapn = terrapin.com
terrapn terrapin(LOCAL), cristy(DEDICATED), gaboon(DEDICATED),
caplabs(EVENING), quadbbs(DEDICATED), mungo(DEDICATED)
#N tommc
#S AT&T 3b1; System V 3.51
#C Thomas McGuire
#E tommc!mcguire
#T +1 203 248 8263
#P 81 N. Lake Dr., Hamden, CT 06517
#L 41 18 N / 72 52 W
#W tommc!mcguire (Thomas McGuire); Sun May 29 09:27:36 EDT 1988
#U hsi
tommc hsi(DAILY)
#N tp486
#S 486/50 spo unix 3.2.4
#O Testpoint, Inc.
#C Robert Ambrose
#E tp486!root
#T +1 203 431 3495
#P 109 Danbury Rd. Ridgefield, CT 06877
#L 41 16 N 73 29 W
#W evie@uunet.UU.NET (Evie Allen); Mon Jun 15 15:10:23 EDT 1992
tp486 uunet(DEMAND)
#N trav
#S PS12
#O The Travelers Insurance Co.
#C Dan Powers
#E trav!root
#T +1 203 277 4886
#P One Tower Square, Bldg 2MN, Hartford, CT 06183
#L 41 45 N / 72 41 W city
#W jane@uunet.UU.NET (Jane Roop); Fri Mar 9 12:56:17 EST 1990
trav uunet(DEMAND)
#N trirex
#S Next Cube; 040
#O Trirex Systems, Inc.
#C Dennis Glatting
#E trirex!dennisg
#T +1 203 221 4600
#P 315 Post Rd. W., Westport, CT 06880
#L 41 08 N / 73 21 W city
#W lori@uunet.UU.NET (Lori Lewis); Thu Apr 30 11:17:25 EDT 1992
trirex uunet(DEMAND), uupsi(DEMAND)
#N uconnns
#S DEC VAXStation II/GPX; VMS V5.1
#O Univ of Connecticut Health Center Neuroscience Center
#C John Nuetzel
#E uconnns!jn
#T +1 203 679 3454
#P 263 Farmington Ave, Rm L4071, Farmington, CT 06030
#L 41 43 38 N / 72 47 53 W
#R Running DECUS uucp V1.1
#U uhasun
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Mon Apr 22 12:00:00 EST 1991
uconnns uhasun(HOURLY), yale(DAILY)
#N .uhasun.hartford.edu, .hartford.edu, uhasun
#S SUN-3/160 ; 4.3 BSD UNIX ; SunOS 4.1
#O University of Hartford, Computer Science
#C Andrew Lindh, John Gray
#E uhasun!root, root@uhasun.hartford.edu
#T +1 203 243 4041
#P Dana Hall/Computer Science, 200 Bloomfield Ave, West Hartford, CT 06117
#L 41 47 40 N / 72 43 00 W
#R This is the mailhost for our whole SUN network here.
#R ultrix.hartford.edu receives news from Nearnet...
#R but it fakes the address as uhasun
#R News will be comming from noc.near.net
#U noc.near.net mstr.hgc.edu werdna uhavax uconnns
#U blumax dixiecup
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Fri Mar 12 12:00:00 EST 1993
uhasun = uhasun.hartford.edu
uhasun = hartford.edu
uhasun cs.utexas.edu(DEDICATED),
uhavax(LOCAL), jumbo(LOCAL),
uconnns(HOURLY), mstr(DEDICATED+LOW),
werdna(DAILY), cadkey(HOURLY*4),
dixiecup(DAILY), blumax(DAILY),
middco(DAILY/2), ose(WEEKLY),
vladimir(WEEKLY), pumpkin(WEEKLY),
#N .hartford.bitnet, uhavax
#S VAX 6320 ; VAX/VMS V5.5
#O University of Hartford, Computer Center
#C Dave Kelley
#E uhavax!system
#T +1 203 243 4272
#P Computer Center, 200 Bloomfield Ave, West Hartford, CT 06117
#L 41 47 40 N / 72 43 00 W
#R This is not a UNIX system. Mail uses DECnet-VMS
#R This node WILL NOT gateway BITNET/Internet Mail
#U uhasun
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Wed Jun 10 12:00:00 EST 1992
uhavax = hartford.bitnet
uhavax uhasun(LOCAL)
#N uniblab
#S AT&T 3b2/400; System V Ver 3.1
#O Cunningham Information Sys. Inc.
#C Paul Wolmering
#E uniblab!paul
#T +1 203 549 1617
#P 900 Asylum Ave, Hartford, Ct. 06105
#W uniblab!paul (Paul Wolmering); Tue Dec 27 19:29:12 EST 1988
uniblab uunet(EVENING)
#N unx1
#S Multitech MT224ER7
#O Real Decisions Corp.
#C Dean Banfield
#E unx1!root
#T +1 203 656 1500
#P 22 Thorndal Circle Darien, CT 06820
#L 41 04 N 73 28 W
#W evie@uunet.UU.NET (Evie Allen); Mon Aug 24 16:34:21 EDT 1992
unx1 uunet(DEMAND)
#N vladimir
#S IBM 386 Clone ; UUPC 1.11c ; PCNEWS 1.0
#O Personal Use
#C Michael Wolf
#E vladimir!wolf
#T +1 203 243 4041
#R Lat / Long unknown at this time
#U uhasun
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Mon Jul 08 12:00:00 EST 1991
vladimir uhasun(DIRECT)
#N werdna
#S IBM 386/40 Clone ; MS-DOS 5.0 ; UUPC/extended ; PCNews
#C Andrew Lindh
#E werdna!andrew
#T +1 203 243 4041
#R Lat / Long unknown at this time...I move whenever I wish...
#U uhasun
#W uhasun!lindh (Andrew Lindh); Fri Feb 21 12:00:00 EST 1992
werdna uhasun(DIRECT)
#N .yale.edu, .cs.yale.edu, yale
#O Yale University, Dept of Computer Science
#C H. Morrow Long, Ed Anselmo
#E yale!postmaster, yale!usenet
#T +1 203 432 1254
#P 51 Prospect Street, 2158 Yale Station, New Haven, CT 06520-2158
#L 41 18 N / 72 25 W
#R This is also CS.YALE.EDU [,] on the internet
#W yale!anselmo-ed (Ed Anselmo); Thu Feb 14 22:30:23 EST 1991
#U bunker cmcl2 hsdndev slb-sdr spock babss umich ox.com mintaka
#U think.com cs.utexas.edu cs.yale.edu eagle.wesleyan.edu venus
# Addressing conventions:
# To send mail to Yale University CS Department users :
# yale!lastname-firstname
# (if the lastname is unambiguous the firstname can be dropped)
# To send mail to Non-CS Yale Internet domain addresses via uucp:
# yale!host.department.yale.edu!username
# (for some departments the hostname can be dropped)
# To send mail to Yale Decnet addresses via uucp:
# yale!host.decnet.yale.edu!username
# a.k.a
yale .yale.edu(LOCAL)
yale = yale.edu
yale .cs.yale.edu(LOCAL)
yale = cs.yale.edu
yale = yalecs.bitnet
yale = yalecs
# Two sites at Yale insist on putting non-domained names in their Paths:
# This gets into uucp paths via news articles. This attempts to
# change them into domained forms when found in paths.
venus.ycc.yale.edu = venus
yalevm.ycc.yale.edu = yalevm
yale yalevm.ycc.yale.edu(LOCAL), venus.ycc.yale.edu(LOCAL)
# Yale uucp, grundoo[n] is School of Mgt., gucci is Statistics
yale grundoo(LOCAL), grundoon(LOCAL), gucci(LOCAL)
# local calls
yale bronson(DIRECT), hsi(DIRECT+FAST), nhu(DIRECT),
sca-sun(DIRECT), spock(DIRECT), babss(DIRECT),
questsys(DIRECT), softshop(DIRECT)
# UUCP over TCP/IP
yale cmcl2(DEDICATED), harvard(DEDICATED),
# News traffic on a regular basis ensures a daily mail flow
yale bunker(DAILY), slb-sdr(DAILY)
# long distance - they call us mostly
yale acadia(POLLED), apollo(EVENING), lrw(EVENING),
ima(EVENING), intelisc(EVENING), norwalk(EVENING),
#N yardem1
#S Dell 486/33; Unix
#O Yarde Metals Inc.
#C Walter Wulczak
#E yardem1!root
#T +1 203 589 2386
#P 71 Horizon Dr, Bristol, CT 06010
#L 41 40 N / 72 56 W city
#W lorelei@uunet.UU.NET (Lorelei Horner); Wed Apr 10 18:37:23 EDT 1991
yardem1 uunet(DEMAND)
#N zygosun
#S Sun 2/170
#O Zygo Corporation
#C Jon Frechette
#E zygosun!jon
#T +1 203 347 8506, ext. 344
#P Laurel Brook Road, Middlefield, CT 06455
#L 41 30 N / 72 44 W city
#W donnalyn@uunet.UU.NET (Donnalyn Frey); Fri Nov 4 14:15:49 EST 1988
zygosun uunet(DEMAND)
# end of u.usa.ct.1: Sat Jul 31 11:09:13 EDT 1993